Our Mutual Friend


Our Mutual Friend, by Charles Dickens, was published in 1865 and is Dickens' last novel. Our Mutual Friend focuses on money and how it can impact people's lives. The story opens when Mortimer Lightwood recounts the story of the "Man from Somewhere" about an unnamed miser who dies, leaving his fortune to his estranged son John Harmon, who has been living abroad and is recently returned to London. He may receive the inheritance if he marries a girl, Bella Wilfer, whom he has never met. When John Harmon's body is found floating in the Thames and the fortune falls to the miser's good natured workers Mr. and Mrs. Boffins a complex mystery ensues.

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Readability Method Rating
Fry Estimate
Flesh Reading Ease
Composite Grade Level
Open LORE Reading Level
73 (fairly easy)