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About Open LOREAbout Open LORE

Open LORE LLC is a privately held company specializing in reading software and accessible e-books specifically designed to support readers with dyslexia, ADHD, Irlen Syndrome, and other reading difficulties. Open LORE LLC, based in Manzanita, Oregon, was established in September 2012, launched its first commercial e-books in March 2014, and first reading software product (Open LORE Read) in July 2014.


Empowering readers to fully engage the written word through assistive reading and learning technologies

We believe in making text accessible and enjoyable – especially for those who struggle with the reading process. Our products create an intuitive and fun reading environment aligned to today’s e-book technologies.


Millions more reading, growing, and discovering their full potential

Reading should be the pathway to brighter futures, not a barrier to success and self-esteem. It is our passion to Open "LORE" (specifically written learning and knowledge) by effectively assisting the reading process in a way that can be adjusted to each individual’s needs, regardless of reading level or learning disability.


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Glen Wagner

Glen Wagner, Chief Executive Officer

Glen holds a BS in Engineering Physics an MS in Technology Management and has over 28 years of technology experience primarily with Intel Corp. Glen led the quality efforts within Intel's Digital Health Group and later Care Innovations LLC, where Glen encountered reading assistive technologies for the first time. Through direct user testing with teachers, parents, and students combined with his love of literature Glen has developed a passion to pursue breakthrough solutions to open the world of literature to those who struggle to interpret the written word.

Steve BauerSteve Bauer, Chief Technology Officer

Steve holds a BS in Computer Engineering, an MS in Computer Science, and an MBA. Steve has 20 years of experience with Hewlett-Packard and 7 years with Alcatel-Lucent where he has developed software in R&D, manufacturing, and product support roles. After earning his MBA, Steve joined the Care Innovations team, where he was introduced to assistive technologies. Steve's sons, who are now avid readers, had a difficult time learning to read. It was through reading literature and extra time from school personnel that the situation changed. With Open LORE, Steve is able to unite his business interests with technological solutions that help people.