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Reading Screen HelpReading Screen Help

Reading Screen Overview

At the heart of Open LORE reading software is the powerful and engaging READING SCREEN. Using Image Sync™ technology, playback tracking proceeds down the page while images are placed on the side and automatically displayed in sequence - minimizing interruption of the reading flow due to in-text images. Powerful tools such as search, table of contents with playback, bookmarks, and interactive dictionary are standard. Playback controls include forward and back buttons, image browsing, text only mode, zoom-in, and zoom-out to adjust font size.

  • Powerful tools such as search, table of contents with playback, bookmarks, and interactive dictionary are standard.
  • Playback controls include forward and back buttons, image browsing, text only mode, zoom-in, and zoom-out to adjust font size.
  • Playback settings can be adjusted for each individual book independently of the default settings so every book can be tailored to the Reader's preferences.

Reading Tools [screenshot]

  • Click or tapReturn to library iconto return to the LIBRARY.
  • Click or tapSearch for a word iconto SEARCH for a word or phrase. [screenshot]
  • Click or tapTable of Contents iconto view and navigate by the TABLE OF CONTENTS. [screenshot]
  • Click or tapBookmarks iconto add, rename, delete, and navigate by BOOKMARKS. [screenshot]
  • Click or tapOpen the interactive Merriam-Webster dictionaryto open the interactive DICTIONARY. If a word was selected, its definition will be displayed.

Playback Controls [screenshot]

  • Click or tapBack iconto jump backward in the book.
  • Click or tapStart TTS playback iconto start playback.
  • Click or tapPause TTS playback buttonto stop playback.
  • Click or tapForward iconto jump forward in the book.
  • Click or tapHide images iconto hide images andShow images iconto show images.
  • Click or tapZoom-in or increase font size iconto zoom-in (increase font size).
  • Click or tapZoom-out or decrease font size iconto zoom-out (decrease font size).
  • Click or tapPrevious image iconNext image iconto browse forward and backward through the images.

Adjust Volume

Playback Settings

  • Click or tapAdjust book's TTS voice settingsto select voices and adjust playback speed and pitch. [screenshot]
  • Click or tapAdjust page, sentence, and word tracking colorto adjust the word, sentence, and text colors and shades. [screenshot]

Pop-up Menu [screenshot]

Right-click or press and hold to see the Pop-up menu. If you do not select a word or phrase first, then you will not be able to cut, copy, read or spell the text out loud from the Pop-up menu.

To select a word or phrase, double-click or tap to select a word; drag your mouse or finger to select a phrase. This will take some practice on your individual computer or tablet, but will soon become familiar.

  • Click or tapCopy iconto copy the selected text to your computer's clipboard.
  • Click or tapRead selected word or phrase out loudto read the selected word or phrase out loud.
  • Click or tapSpell selected word or phrase out loudto spell the selected word or phrase out loud.
  • Click or tapOpen the interactive Merriam-Webster dictionaryto open the interactive DICTIONARY. If a word was selected, its definition will be displayed.
  • Click or tapAdd bookmark iconto to add a bookmark at the mouse location.

Interactive Dictionary [screenshot]

  • If a word was previously selected, it will appear in this box. If no word was selected, then enter a new word and click or tapSearch for new word in the interactive Merriam-Webster dictionary(or the ENTER key) to find its definition.
  • The word's definition is displayed in the box.
  • Click or tapLink to the Merriam-Webster Advanced Learner's English Dictionary(MERRIAM-WEBSTER logo) to open your browser and navigate to the Advanced Learner's English Dictionary page to further research the word (an Internet connection is required).
  • Click or tapAdjust playback volumeto adjust playback volume.
  • Click or tapSpell selected word out loudto spell the selected word or phrase out loud.
  • Click or tapStart TTS playback of the word definitionto playback the word definition.
  • Click or tapSearch for new word in the interactive Merriam-Webster dictionaryto search the dictionary for the word's definition.