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Read-To-Me HelpRead-To-Me Help

Read-To-Me Overview

READ-TO-ME provides a general purpose text pad for copying and pasting text from any other source such as web articles, electronic documents, or e-mails. You can playback the text, enlarge and shrink the font, and adjust volume, Text-To-Speech, and Text Tracking settings. Learning Center provides an interface to the optical character recognition features for quickly scanning and playing back printed materials.

Playback Controls [screenshot]

  • Click or tapStart TTS playback iconto start playback.
  • Click or tapPause TTS playback iconto stop playback.
  • Click or tapZoom-in or increase font size iconto zoom-in (increase font size).
  • Click or tapZoom-out or decrease font size iconto zoom-out (decrease font size).

Adjust Volume

Playback Settings

  • Click or tapAdjust Read-To-Me TTS voice settingsto select voices and adjust playback speed and pitch. [screenshot]
  • Click or tapAdjust page, sentence, and word colorsto adjust the word, sentence, and text colors and shades. [screenshot]

Pop-up Menu [screenshot]

Right-click or press and hold to see the Pop-up menu. If you do not select a word or phrase first, then you will not be able to cut, copy, read or spell the text out loud from the Pop-up menu.

To select a word or phrase, double-click or tap to select a word; drag your mouse or finger to select a phrase. This will take some practice on your individual computer or tablet, but will soon become familiar.

  • Click or tapCut text iconto remove selected text and place it in your computer's clipboard.
  • Click or tapCopy text iconto copy the selected text to your computer's clipboard.
  • Click or tapPaste iconto paste text already in your clipboard to the selected area. If a word or phrase was selected, it will be replaced by the new text.
  • Click or tapRead the selected word or phrase out loudto read the selected word or phrase out loud.
  • Click or tapSpell the word out loudto spell the selected word or phrase out loud.
  • Click or tapOpen the interactive Merriam-Webster dictionaryto open the interactive DICTIONARY. If a word was selected, its definition will be displayed.

Interactive Dictionary [screenshot]

  • If a word was previously selected, it will appear in this box. If no word was selected, then enter a new word and click or tapSearch for a new word in the interactive Merriam-Webster dictionary(or the ENTER key) to find its definition.
  • The word's definition is displayed in the box.
  • Click or tapLink to Merriam-Webster's Advanced Learner's English Dictionary(MERRIAM-WEBSTER logo) to open your browser and navigate to the Advanced Learner's English Dictionary page to further research the word (an Internet connection is required).
  • Click or tapAdjust volume iconto adjust playback volume.
  • Click or tapSpell selected word or phrase out loudto spell the selected word or phrase out loud.
  • Click or tapStart TTS playback of word definitionto playback the word definition.
  • Click or tapSearch for a new word in the interactive Merriam-Webster dictionaryto search the dictionary for the word's definition.