Accessible Textbooks Available From Bookshare November 06 2014, 0 Comments

by Bethany Wagner

Georgia Holt Physical Science CoverWhether a young first-grader struggling to learn reading or a college student hitting roadblocks while studying a textbook, people with reading difficulties face some of the greatest frustrations in the academic realm.

Through accessible e-book provider Bookshare, readers can now use Open LORE Read to not only enjoy popular books, but to read and study more than 15,000 textbooks, study guides, and other educational materials. All adapted in quality accessible versions compatible with Open LORE Read, these e-books help readers of all ages overcome reading challenges to reach their academic goals. Free for qualifying students and at a low cost to others, all Bookshare members gain access to this diverse library featuring both copyright and public domain texts.

CK-12 Basic Algebra CoverBookshare's library covers every level from Pre-Kindergarten to Adult Education and every subject area, from English and History to Math and Science. For example, delve into the Norton Anthologies of literature and music, standard textbooks at universities across the nation. Capture kids' imaginations with accessible books on weather and animals. Access many standardized test guides like The Official SAT Study Guide as well as thousands of common college and graduate level textbooks. In addition, Bookshare features accessible versions of Common Core publications addressing all elementary grade levels across a variety of subjects, helping both students and teachers with any reading challenges. National Geographic Ape Escapes Cover

With Open LORE's customizable text tracking, these textbooks become much easier to read. The software also  displays images in a side panel for uninterrupted reading flow and one-click expansion to make studying graphs, charts, and other illustrations easier (click to view fill size example). Providing these texts and tools, Bookshare and Open LORE seek to help all learners overcome reading challenges. Open LORE Reading Screen Image Synch screenshot

Find out more about reading Bookshare texts on Open LORE Read here.



Book covers are copyrighted by their respective owners.